Build that list!
While you, the filmmaker, are busy working on all the things
that must be done to develop and produce a film, don’t neglect building your
email list. We prefer using Mail Chimp – it’s easy to use and allows you to
create different lists rather than mush your contacts all together. Mail Chimp
also allows you to the place a widget on your website so visitors can add
themselves to a list and has a free APP so you can enter contacts on the fly
from any mobile device. Mail Chimp also allows the recipient to easily
Create separate lists for different uses. We’ve divided our
lists into a “general contacts” (my audience
base), investors (for special reports) and press contacts.
Search the web for bloggers that have something in common
with your film. For example, MEGABALL$
has a lottery theme to it so we busy ourselves scouring blogs and websites
about the lotto/lottery. When you found a good page find a contact email if
available, and add them to our list. Perhaps send them an email introducing
your film and offering to exchange links on your website.
Every time you see a report or review about a film on TV, in
a magazine or newspaper (print or online), the author usually posts their email
address. Copy it. Use Twitter? Many Twitter users post their email or web site.
Add it to your list.
Check out the many film distribution companies online or on
IMDB Pro, and add their email to a list.
Use your lists wisely – posting too often or sending vague
emails will turn off the recipient and they’ll unsubscribe. Don’t forget to
have in your email your film’s web site, Twitter address, Facebook page,
When your film starts to move you’ll be prepared to promote