Tuesday, June 11, 2013

More Coverage ...

We've gotten another piece written about our comedy film, MegaBall$, on IndieSonar.

We've also gotten preliminary feedback from the Slamdance Screenplay competition. They allow one reader to send comments (additional feedback is available for additional fees). The reader called the script "Interesting, ambitious and commercial." We also took to heart other feedback when reviewing and editing the script - now it's even more focused and well-paced,

Thursday, June 6, 2013

What are the odds?

The Florida Powerball $590 winner was on a quick-pick ticket. Sounds like MegaBall$ !!

The SlamDance screenplay competition called the script "ambitious and commercial" ...

The Tribeca Film Institute called the script "a strong contender" ....

...and we make it better every single day!
