Thursday, May 30, 2013


We're now found on Pintrest! Follow us and we'll follow you!

Friday, May 17, 2013

As a result of the recent MegaBall$ article in MAX IT MAGAZINE, an online magazine about film, we were able to get MegaBall$ listed in the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB). While not a major step, it is an important one in gaining industry recognition for the project. If you use standard IMDB you'll see the title but very little information. You can see more information using the free IMDB APP, and full information is visible on IMDBPro. We still have a few more updates to make to the listing. We'll be 'campaigning soon to get more views there raising our IMDB ranking.

Our work promoting MegaBall$ through the Internet continues gaining positive results. Our Twitter followers are growing, our LinkedIn listing is gaining more attention and views of our videos continue to rise. The net result increases our position on Google. If you do a Google Search for MegaBall$ the first three pages are all us!  We have also set-up an email aggregating system (MailChimp) where visitors to our web site may leave their email to receive updates directly. We've added many friends and associates to that list, which now totals more than 775 names.

Your support is appreciated - keep putting these updates out to your friends via email, Twitter, Facebook, etc.,  to drive more visitors to the web site, more eyes to the videos, and more views to IMDB. Who knows, maybe they'll order a T-shirt or MegaBall$ mug!

Monday, May 13, 2013

MegaBall$ merchandise has been selling! Look at our web site for photos from customers!
We've also added the ability to sign up for MegaBall$ updates on the web site - or you can just click here: