Monday, October 31, 2011

Tale of 2 Hollywoods

Returned after a short trip to Hollywood/ Los Angeles. I was there to attend a SAG Plenary (national board meeting) and stayed an extra day. I was able to have several meetings about our films, and meet up with a few friends as well. Revised scripts for MEGABALLS along with its venture plan were given out, waiting to make follow-up calls.

Now we're planning our next trip to Hollywood, Florida....we're we've got 4 meetings in the works, possibly a fifth.

We just keep moving and building, and hopefully we'll fund. We're examining the reality of finding a large number of investors using a private placement memorandum (PPM) as the financing document. A PPM can costs about $5,000 and we don't want to make that outlay until we're sure it's the way to go. So, we're calling up all our friends to get a sense of how many we can count on, and then we'll decide.

Also, an acquaintance pointed out today that a Google search for "MegaBalls" brings Oroloro in first position. Nice.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Adding Up

Just completed revenue projections for our comedy MegaBalls and the results are very encouraging. Now on to the final touches for the venture plan - in preparation for trips to Los Angeles and South Florida.

John Bruno has joined our team as the production coordinator (and possibly as our line producer)....

More to come soon!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Still active

Our budget is almost completed, and it cam in higher than hoped - at $700,000. We're waiting on the schedule and breakdown, then we'll complete our business plan and go back after funding. That should be in hand by the week's end. We also will be having a meeting with a production designer who is interested in joining the team.

Our camera test/editing experiment is done. The 'teaser' can be viewed HERE. Comments are welcome.

Soon we're off to Los Angeles for a few days of meetings, then back to New York, then down to Florida for more meetings.

We're pleased to add Rosemary Ponzo to our team as the wardrobe designer. Rosemary's extensive industry connections will certianly get us good rates (and maybe free?) wardrobe. Visit Rosemary's web site by clicking HERE.

We've been able to secure a new URL for our web site - now it's simply
We can be followed on FACEBOOK ... TWITTER .... and YOUTUBE