Friday, July 27, 2012

AFM or bust ...

We are now examining the benefits (and costs) for attending the 2012 American Film Market (AFM) in Los Angeles this fall. It may be wise to attend the market before our film, MegaBall$, is completed so we'll be better prepared to attend when the movie is marketed. We've also heard that there have been filmmakers who located financing on projects in development. It will certainly be a good networking opportunity. We have several friends/supporters who are attending, so will have a 'group' there.

The teaser for MegaBall$ is now viewable online at - check it out. Our web site has also been updated to address some video problems. If you haven't visited, please do and watch the posted videos - the teaser, the story behind the story, and the talking Megaball$ where casting director Ellen Jacoby, and Elizabeth Wentworth (former Ft. Lauderdale film commissioner for over 20 years) praise the screenplay.

Viewing the videos helps by raising the viewer count. You can also help by searching on Google "MegaBalls" and "MegaBall$" then click on the web sites for and if you have a web site, linking to our sites also helps.

Thanks for all your support!